My guy Wheeler del Torro, famous pop-up restaurant chef, sent over an autographed copy of his new cookbook for me to giveaway to one lucky reader.
Afro Vegan is my kind of cookbook. Wheeler chronicles the story of how he fell in love with food, essentially hopping a plane to Paris shortly after his high school graduation. He tells of his time perusing the Parisian markets, picking out seasonal ingredients. He gives the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of many of the recipes in the book, such as the Ethiopian coffee ceremony (as I have stated before, underpaid coffee farmers in impoverished nations is a group that I will always go to bat for). He even gives some vegan takes on familiar soul food recipes.
I am not vegan myself, but I believe that it is always good to expand your boundaries and these vegan recipes do not suck! I tried to make the banana fritters and got my oil a bit hot because I did not have an oil thermometer (get an oil thermometer if you try to make these), lets just say that the ones that were not burnt tasted delicious! I will not even embarrass myself by posting pictures of these.
If you are vegan, occasionally cook for someone who is, want to give it a shot, or just want to prove that you are a better cook than myself (there is a reason that I write about eating and not cooking) please comment below. I will send the autographed copy of Afro Vegan to one person that posts a comment before 6/1/2014.